Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Havanese dogs History

Havanese originate from Bichon canine family breed, but are a distinct breed. Havanese has all colors and any color you like. A Havanese Dog Pictures says all.
Havanese dogs have admitted to the American Kennel Club (AKC) in around 1995.
You can’t purchase a Pure-bred Havanese because they are rare breed.
Havanese dogs do not shed as well. See Havanese Dog pictures for more details.
Havanese dogs are extreamely sociable and they ;like everyone around them. Havanese dogs are get on with children vey quickly and you should buy a one for your children as well.
Havanese dogs are extremely sociable and seem to like almost every one. They are exceptionally good with children even when not raised with children in the house. However, it is a good idea to supervise any situation where dogs and young or unfamiliar children are together.

1.Level of activity:
Indoors: very active
Outdoors: moderate
2.Behavioral : very gentle

3.Variability/Constancy: moderate

4.Territoriality own: low
They do not go after territoriality that much
Strange dogs: submissive
Familiar people: submissive

Havanese Dogs Facts

Havanese Dog actually originate in Cuba. Havanese Dog is the national dog in Cuba. What a honor isn’t it? Havanese Dog is small dog but very active than other dogs. See Havanese Dog pictures above. Havanese Dogs are new to United States of America.

Labradoodle Dog Facts

The US Labradoodle is not consider a purebred dog. It is a cross between the Labrado
and Poodle.